Array of Control-Points of the curve.
Direction of the Control-Point.
A constant Vector facing downwards: (0, 1)
A constant Vector facing left: (-1, 0)
Position of the Control-Point.
Final position of the Curve.
Initial position of the Curve.
A constant Vector facing right: (1, 0)
A constant Vector facing upwards: (0, -1)
A constant zero Vector: (0, 0)
Gets the last Control-Point of the Bezier.
Gets an inverted version of this Vector: (-x, -y)
Gets a normalized version of this Vector.
Gets this Vector scaled by a passed value.
Gets the first Control-Point of the Bezier.
Gets the vector at the current time in the animation.
Gets a new Vector which is the result of subtracting this Vector with a passed Vector.
Mixes the values of two Vectors.
Gets a new Vector which is the result of adding this Vector to a passed Vector.
Samples the Bezier at a certain x-position by doing binary search over the interval.
Samples the direction of the given Bezier at a certain x-position using binary search.
Samples the slope of the Curve at a certain x-value.
Samples the Bezier at a certain point along the curve.
Gets a Vector facing the same direction as this Vector with a given length.
Animates the Vector to a new position using the default Duration and Curve.
Animates the Vector to a new position using the default Curve.
Animates the Vector to a new position.
Gets a new AnimationCurve with the start angled at a certain slope.
Gets a new Vector which is the result of subtracting this Vector with a passed Vector.
Mixes the values of two Vectors.
Gets a new Vector which is the result of adding this Vector to a passed Vector.
Constructs a new AnimatedVector2D from an initial position.
Constructs a new AnimatedVector2D from an initial position and a Curve to use for animation.
Constructs a Control-Point from a position.
Constructs a Control-Point from a position and direction.
Constructs a new BezierCurve from atleast two Control-Points.
Constructs a new BezierCurve from a list of Control-Points.